Category: Daily Bites

चार्टर्ड एकाउंटेंट्स के लिए मुफ्त जीएसटी सॉफ्टवेयर | एक विशेष पहल

‘एक्सप्रेस जीएसटी’ सॉफ्टवेयर जीएसटी फाइलिंग में आने वाली दिक्कतें कम करता है और प्रोफेशनल सीए पहले साल सॉफ्टवेयर का मुफ्त लाभ उठा सकते हैं। हमारा उद्देश्य किफायती स्वचालन प्रदान करना है जो भारतीय वित्तीय और इकॉनोमी सिस्टम को सहायता करता है।

Remuneration and Interest to Partner – Section 40(b) using IT

The process to enter disallowed partner’s interest and remuneration as per section 40 in Part OI Point no 8A h. “Amount of interest salary, bonus, commission or remuneration paid to any partner or member” As per section 40(b)(v) any payment of remuneration to any partner who is a working partner, authorized by, and is in

Smart & Easy TDS Software for Preparing your TDS Returns!

KDK TDS is the #1 TDS Software for All TDS-related compliance. KDK TDS Software is used widely by Tax Professionals, Tax Practitioners, SMEs & Corporates and is considered the best software for TDS Filing. Zen TDS by KDK covers all TDS compliance work. Zen Corporate TDS Features Features Preparation and Validation of e-TDS return file.

How can I link my Aadhaar card with PAN card?

Introduced as a mandatory provision in 2017, the Aadhar-PAN linkage is now familiar law. Extended several times, the last date for ensuring linkage currently stands at June 30, 2021, whereafter any unlinked PAN card will lose its validity. Further, penal provisions exist for the use of an inoperative PAN card as it is unlawful.   But

How Can I Check My ITR Status?

Income Tax return filing is a multi-step, pre and post-e-filing process and it is simple to determine the status at each of the stages. How to find the status at each point of e-filing is enumerated hereunder. Pre-e-filing stage Before starting, please ensure that the 26AS contains and is updated with annual income and the